I longed to be away
But the tide kept pulling me back
Drawing me in
Until I loved the chains that held me.
The seabirds soar above,
The waves crash at my feet,
My back against the cliff,
Sharp rocks left and right,
Yet still I can’t leave this wild place,
Still I can’t take the path out,
Escape the misty moors
Or the faint sea breeze that
Permeates the air everywhere.
Cant swap them for
Dusty city streets and
Smog in my lungs.
Can’t leave the scars
Etched into the land,
The sea The country roads.
The towns I lived in – .
The fields I walked –
The roads I used to take –
Littered with heated heartbreak memories.
I long to be away
But the tide keeps pulling me in.
Despite the scars etched into the metal,
I love the chains that hold me.